对青春无敌又性感的Victor来说,生活就是在入夜的街头兜客走粉赚外快。要在布宜诺斯艾利斯站稳阵脚,就当然要懂得找靠山。和相熟警察上床,就成了 Victor的例行公事。平静安稳的日子,却因某夜在街上重遇亲密老友Mario而改写。一夜床上的聚旧,却为Victor招来了杀身之祸。 在夜太黑的布宜诺斯艾利斯,流传着一个说法,黑幕沉沉的某一晚,在子夜和破晓之间,怀着强烈愿望的亡灵,会拼命返回人间,把他们在世的爱人拉去另一个世界。Victor与死去多时的旧友重遇,把他拖入了不可告人的秘密中心。他必须逃离死神之吻,但危险无处不在。春光流泄,奇情乍现。原来集情欲、暴力、惊栗于一身的夜迷宫,绝对不是人人够胆闯的。A long night's journey into day: Victor, a street hustler in the Santa Fe and Pueyrredón neighborhoods of Buenos Aires, from the evening of November 1, All Saints Day, to the dawn of November 2, All Souls Day. Victor's odyssey takes him from clients to friends to a gay gym then a hotel room and an all-night café. He plays pick-up soccer with kids whose parents are going through trash or waiting in parks. A vendor gives him a chrysanthemum. It seems he's being followed, and on the night streets, death is close at hand. Can Victor survive until dawn?