主演:阿黛拉·哈内尔 Jonathan Couzinié Antonia Buresi Damir Kustura
发现了多个巧合的约阿希姆声称自己的前世是波斯尼亚的一名士兵。他和朋友们带上了摄像机,踏上一次探寻之旅。一行人在萨拉热窝寻找前世,也因此慢慢了解几十年前在这里发生的战争。在这部模糊纪实与虚构的独特影片中,历史的伤痕和个体记忆相互交织。Joachim is approached by a man believing him to be a Bosnian soldier who died on the day Joachim was born. Suspicious that he is the reincarnation of the soldier, Joachim travels to Sarajevo with his friends Alice and Virginie to uncover his past life.