主演:宫崎葵 小出惠介 宫崎将 小岭丽奈 柄本佑 青木崇高 松浦祐也 藤村俊二
生性孤僻的美铃(宫崎葵 饰)在年幼时被母亲抛弃了,当时母亲只带走了哥哥。在叔父家中寄人篱下,学校也没有同学愿意接近她。 后来她在一间酒吧里认识了一群年轻人,也成为了他们当中的一员,性格也渐渐开朗了。不久,她喜欢了这群人里一个叫岸的男生。岸突然对美铃说正打算抢劫运钞车,岸表示需要美铃的帮助,美铃竟然义无反顾的答应了。她要学会开摩托车,需要记牢运钞车的路线。 而美铃就在一个下着雨的清晨,出发了……Writer Misuzu Nakahara confesses her involvement in the 300 Million Yen Affair. In the chaotic days of the 1960s, Misuzu, a lonely high school girl from a troubled family, finds a sanctuary with her nihilistic brother Ryo and his friends, who pass day by day hanging around a shadowy café bar and indulging themselves in sex, drugs and alcohol. As the social unrest seeps in and their relationships gradually fall off, Misuzu gets drawn into a dangerous plot against the society set by one of the rebellious boys, Kishi - robbing a bank car of 300 million yen. The two accomplices set out for numerous rehearsals, and their hearts get closer secretly and quietly. On one rainy day, helped by coincidences, the heist goes successful to give a huge impact on Japan, but it only brings Misuzu a great sense of loss and sadness she had never expected.