基洙(金炳哲 饰)和钟大(刘亚仁 饰)是情同手足的兄弟,两人从小就失去了父母,视彼此为唯一的港湾和依靠。基洙性格老实稳重,他勤勤恳恳地干着辛苦的工作,只为了能够攒下钱来维系他和弟弟的生活。尽管现实如此苍白,但基洙心中的梦想却从未褪色,他知道,只要继续努力下去,有朝一日,他定能够在马尔代夫开一场只属于他一个人的个人演奏会。 钟大的个性和基洙恰恰相反,整日无所事事,游手好闲。钟大特别羡慕电视里那些沐浴在枪林弹雨中的英雄们,幻想着哪天得到一把真枪,能够干出一番伟业。让钟大没有想到的是,自己的幻想有一天居然变成了现实,他真的得到了一把如假包换的枪,然而,与此同时,他和基洙亦被卷入了黑帮的争斗之中,被危险所包围。Earning a living as a driver for rent, Kisu lives in a studio flat in the basement floor. When he feels choked up, he tries not to let go of hope by playing on the drums. Out of guilt that he might have made Jongdae sexually handicapped during their younger days, Kisu took on a role as Jongdae's guardian on top of being his friend. Jongdae's dream is to keep a revolver that can make him stronger than the small-time gangsters around town. One day Kisu's older brother shows up and leave behind his son Yohan to Kisu's care.