主演:Anna Kapaleva Olga Yakovleva 索斯·萨尔格相 索菲柯·齐阿乌列里 Ruzana Avetisyan Mikhail Bogdasarov Sergei Daniyelyan Anastasiya Grebennikova Albina Matveyeva Mikhail Silantev
列车随记忆缓缓前驶,她回到当年因为战乱而逃离的故乡,想要接走留在老家的祖母,但这次,就自己也找不到离开的火车了。当流亡、战火、饥饿、死亡逼使所有人退至生存的绝境,当故乡的一切都只剩下透光的残破屋瓦,究竟还有什么可以寄托乡愁与思念? 导演以充满情感的凝敛影像,将发生于九零年代高加索地区的战乱悲剧,转化为个人对国族的感性思索,一幕幕诗意的画面层层堆叠,我们仿佛也随着剧中人的流浪,在历史与时代的迷雾中徘徊,走进塔可夫斯基的风景中。In the 90s, Lena returns to the home of her grandparents in a tiny, war-torn village in Armenia. Lena begs them to follow her lead and retreat to the safety of Moscow. They are hesitant to leave and as Lena stays to aid them in the rebuilding process, she finds herself being drawn back into the familiarity of the surroundings that she once chose to leave behind.