主演:雨果·阿姆斯特朗 赵家玲 斯蒂芬·多尔夫 约翰·盖兹 玛瑞儿·海明威 杨雅慧 伍迪·哈里森
1937年12月,日本军队侵占南京,肆意屠杀手无寸铁的中国平民,在大屠杀中有20万以上乃至30万中国平民和战俘被日军杀害,数以万计的妇女被强暴凌辱。影片采访了南京大屠杀期间,在南京的外国传教士、医生、记者,幸存的中国人,以及参加大屠杀的日本士兵,收集了珍贵的信件、日记、照片、影像资料,真实再现了1937年日本军队侵占南京期间犯下的种种暴行,客观地告诉世界:历史不容隐瞒和更改,南京大屠杀真实存在。"Nanking" tells the story of the rape of Nanking, one of the most tragic events in history. In 1937, the invading Japanese army murdered over 200,000 and raped tens of thousands of Chinese. In the midst of the horror, a small group of Western expatriates banded together to save 250,000 -- an act of extraordinary heroism. Bringing an event little-known outside of Asia to a global audience, "Nanking" shows the tremendous impact individuals can make on the course of history. It is a gripping account of light in the darkest of times.