Ben X [BDRip - 720p] (www.kinokopilka.tv)
主演:格雷格·提姆曼斯 Laura Verlinden Pol Goossen
本X是本(格雷格·提姆曼斯 Greg Timmermans 饰)在游戏《霸王》里的名字,游戏里他技压群雄、所向披靡。然而现实中的本却是一个患有自闭症的少年,沉默寡言的他在同学们眼中犹如异类并且受尽那帮同学的欺负和侮辱。本时常幻想着自己就是游戏里面的勇士,可是现实的残酷却将一切幻想纷纷击碎。本游走于现实和游戏的之间,两者的界限逐渐模糊起来。本在游戏中结识一个叫斯嘉莱(劳拉·沃林登 Laura Verlinden 饰)的女孩,女孩用她的真诚和勇气鼓舞着本重拾自我,最终在本的臆想中女孩陪伴他走上了一条“置之死地而后生”的道路…… 在2007年的第31届蒙特利尔电影节上,本片获得了美洲大奖以及评审团和观众的最高奖。Ben is different. His life is a universe to itself, where he plays his favorite on line computer game Archlord avidly, trying hard to train himself for the real world he lives in. The harsh world of a technical school is for him a daily kind of hell. As the horror of being a daily subject to bullying grows, Ben devises a plan. Then Scarlite comes into his life, the girl he has met in his on-line game. That wasn't part of the plan...