吉尔(Mirrah Foulkes 饰)和杰克(Nash Edgerton 饰)驱车旅行,但不知何故两人发生矛盾。杰克用尽各种方法,但吉尔对他始终爱搭不理,车中气氛十分尴尬。 油箱告急,汽车驶入加油站,杰克趁吉尔加油的工夫走进便利店,买了花、巧克力和小狗相片,打算以此逗乐生气的女友。两人继续上路,吉尔对杰克的小伎俩全然不睬,杰克则小心翼翼剥开锡纸,把巧克力球放在驾驶台上。这次吉尔不再拒绝,将巧克力放入嘴里,两人的关系开始回暖,然而一只玩具橡皮蜘蛛的出现摧毁了这一切……Jill is annoyed with Jack, ignoring his attempts to get her to smile as she drives a city road. She stops for petrol, and while she's filling the tank, he goes into the station's mini-mart and buys a bouquet, chocolates, and a few odds and ends. While she's paying, he sits in the passenger seat, strewing the flowers and things. She pushes away the flowers, starts the car, and resumes driving, staring straight ahead. He peels the paper off a chocolate and sets it on the dash near her hand. She takes it. He sets out another; soon she softens, then, she folds down the visor. Has Jack made things right again? And the tuffet?