导演:Damian Chapa
主演:Damian Chapa Natasha Blasick Steve Nave Carlton Holder Jeff McCredie
在David Thunder很小的时候,他的印第安祖母坚信David梦中的毒蛇定会被神灵驱除。David长大成人后成为了一名蓝领。一天晚上,他遇到了贵族Julieta Asher,对她一见钟情。但是,David并不知道Julieta的家庭是一个世代邪恶的家族。David被她的黑暗灵魂所迷惑......A Native-American man discovers that his pregnant wife comes from an ancient family of devil-worshipers and has plans both for his unborn child and him, plans which he must use his own spiritual powers to thwart.