主演:孟飞 李琳琳 刘家荣 石天 冯淬帆 陈燕燕 黄培基 任世官 火星 黄新 冯克安 何柏光 午马 苏祥 邓德祥
外号小老虎的沈新(孟飞)是国术馆里的武术高手。一日,馆长要沈新和上门踢馆的陈之龙(石天)过招,自以为是的陈之龙当然不是沈新的对手,吃了败仗后黯然离开。某日陈之龙被高大良(冯淬帆)追债,沈新路见不平出手相助,高大良不满沈新多管闲事,打死陈之龙,故意嫁祸给沈新。 沈新不甘心被诬赖,誓言要亲手逮捕真凶。他从警局里逃出来,躲在女友谭芳(李琳琳)家。警方也因觉得事有蹊翘,便故意让沈新离开。为了除掉沈新,高大良派同伙的美丽(林玑)跟踪谭芳,打算要比警方早一步找到沈新。 沈新到处奔走打听高大良的下落,高大良则是三番两次派人杀害沈新,却都被沈新击退。国术馆的同事因担心沈新的安危,主动告诉警方沈新的藏匿地点。但此时沈新正在与高大良派来的高手拼得你死我活,经过一番搏斗,沈新终于打败高大良,警方也及时赶到现场逮人,还沈新清白。Young Tiger, a martial artist in modern-day Hong Kong, fights a braggart in a martial-arts studio and defeats him. He later witnesses the braggart getting beaten up by a gang of thugs. After entering the fight, he gets knocked out and his friend gets killed. The thugs frame him for the murder, and the police soon arrest him. Young Tiger escapes prison during interrogation, then decides to find and fight the thugs' gangster boss while evading police who are looking for him.