2005年,由影、视、歌众多领域多栖发展的秋元康策划的国民少女偶像团体正式成立,其全新的剧场+TV运营的模式以及个性各异的少女偶像顿时在日本乃至海外刮起一股经久不衰的AKB旋风。短短5年前,AKB48及其派生团体创造了无数娱乐视听神话,也成为了无数少女瞩目并可望进入的偶像团体。一期成员逐渐成熟,研究生不断加入,AKB48接连注入新鲜血液的同时,也保持着其恒久不变的精神。在5周年之际,观众得以走近本就亲和的少女偶像,听柏木由纪、大岛优子、前田敦子、横山由依、板野友美、女王等讲述此时的心情及对未来的憧憬。 十年后,一曾光耀的少女将在何方……The idol group AKB48 continues to evolve, rewriting the record books. This documentary takes you behind the scenes of their success, and follows the young members as they pursue their dreams, experiencing both growth and anguish. The camera follows their concerts, and also focuses on the everyday lives of individual members as they experience joy, conflict, growth and the fulfillment of their dreams.