主演:Rutger Hauer Molly Dunsworth Brian Downey Gregory Smith
一个老流浪汉(Rutger Hauer 饰)路经一座被疯狂犯罪行为所笼罩的城市,这里充斥着杀童、强迫卖淫等等极恶罪行,暗中统治这里的德瑞克一家热衷于当街杀人,老德瑞克(Brian Downey 饰)和两个儿子横行街头。流浪汉从德瑞克之子的手中救下妓女艾比(Molly Dunsworth 饰),结果反被警察设计陷害,身受重伤。流浪汉试图遵守这座罪恶之城的生存法则,忍辱求生,然而事与愿违,抢劫案偏偏又找上他,忍无可忍的流浪汉终于决定拿起枪寻求公平,他对暴力罪犯大开杀戒,在城市中引发了居民群起反抗的热血,德瑞克一家同样不甘示弱,借助媒体发布了针对所有流浪汉的绝杀令,一时间,罪恶之城血流成河……A vigilante homeless man pulls into a new city and finds himself trapped in urban chaos, a city where crime rules and where the city's crime boss reigns. Seeing an urban landscape filled with armed robbers, corrupt cops, abused prostitutes and even a pedophile Santa, the Hobo goes about bringing justice to the city the best way he knows how - with a 20-gauge shotgun. Mayhem ensues when he tries to make things better for the future generation. Street justice will indeed prevail.