magnet:?xt=urn:btih:184f691f45e39bf58542f9a148b836b7d417bc54&dn=[UnOffHard] Baby Princess 3D Paradise Love - 01 (704x400 xvid mp3) [0809DD67].av
主演:玛利亚·霍夫斯塔尔 玛格丽特·提塞尔 Inge Maux Peter Kazungu Gabriel Mwarua Carlos Mkutano
特丽莎(玛格丽特·提塞尔 Margarete Tiesel 饰)是一名看护士,年近五十的她早已经失去了曼妙的身材和清秀的面庞,然而,她却并没有失去追求爱的自由的权利。带着渴望被爱的愿望,特丽莎来到了火辣热情的非洲肯尼亚海滩,在那里,许多身材壮硕健美的年轻男孩等待着那些像特丽莎一样的年长女人们,他们将她们称之为“糖妈妈”。 生日那天,特丽莎的朋友们给她送了一份别出心裁的礼物——一个拥有完美身材的年轻人,然而,无论女人们怎样挑逗诱惑,年轻人却始终都提不起性质。之后,特丽莎遇到了酒店雇员,她想用金钱收买他,却遭到了前者无情的拒绝。一趟充满了放纵和情欲的旅行,带给特丽莎的却只有苦闷和失落。On the beaches of Kenya they're known as "Sugar Mamas" -- European women who seek out African boys selling love to earn a living. Teresa, a fifty-year-old Austrian and mother of a daughter entering puberty, travels to this vacation paradise. She goes from one beach boy to the next, from one disappointment to the next and finally she must recognize: On the beaches of Kenya, love is a business.