主演:Carsten Knudsen Rebecca Bang Sørensen Israel Hernández
阴森可怖,灰暗冰冷的大城市一隅,伫立着一个杀气腾腾的屠宰场。无数头猪被运送到这里,等待它们的只有开膛破肚,供人果腹的悲惨命运。一头小猪费力的从猪栏探出头来,见到同伴们血腥的下场,心中大骇,于是想尽办法逃出屠宰场。然而一路上种种景象,无一不是对猪的屠戮与虐杀。小猪走头无路,偶然来至一家宠物店门前。看到人类关爱小动物的景象,它的心中甚为感动,于是偷偷钻进宠物店,希望自己能作为宠物被人买走。此后的一段时间里,各色人等不断来往宠物店内,任小猪做出怎样谄媚的姿态,始终没人将它放进眼里。 夜深人静,悲伤的小猪号啕大哭……Pig me is the story about a pig that escapes from a slaughter house. He finds his way to a pet shop and discovers the nice and warmth atmosphere between the costumers and the animals getting bought. He also wants to get bought, but he realizes that nobody wants to buy a pig. The only solution he can find to that problem is to dress up as the other animals in the pet shop.