主演:南部彰三 目黒幸子 川崎敬三 见明凡太郎 永井ミエ子 山形勋
日本特摄首次真正的彩色科幻电影。冈本太郎设计的派拉人大放异彩。在世界各地UFO的目击成为话题的时候,在东京天文台的助手矶边发现了谜一样的发光体。在进行研究的过程中,不久海星型的宇宙人·派拉人开始出没。派拉人们告诉我们,天体正在接近地球……UFOs are seen around Tokyo. Because they look like giant starfish the aliens cannot approach us without creating panic. Hence one of them sacrifices itself and takes the form of a popular female singer. It/she warns mankind that a meteor will crash on Earth. While the approaching meteor causes hotter and hotter weather, mankind runs and builds a last-chance anti-meteor weapon.