青少年喜欢偶像崇拜原是正常现象,但走火入魔就不好玩了。维诺娜.赖德饰演亥州小镇的一名叛逆少女丹琦,当全镇都在热烈期待从好莱坞衣锦还乡的女明星梦西卡蜜克时,丹琦怀疑自己就是她的私生女,丹琦的养父母并不知情,梦西以前的老情人丹顿也不愿证实此事,激发了丹琦离家出走,到路上拦截梦西的决心。导演吉姆.亚伯拉罕斯将丹琦塑造成全身黑衣的叛逆造型,使维诺娜.赖德在这部讽刺喜剧中显得鹤立鸡群。可惜剧情发展平淡,而且缺乏想象力,未能将主角的微妙心理呈现,使整个故事变成雷大雨小。Although Roxy left town more than fifteen years ago, her memory has never faded. Her expected return starts to impact a number of lives, including that of her former partner Denton Webb. But it is Dinky, the adopted daughter of the Bossettis and ignored by most of her classmates as a strange loner, who may be most changed. She is convinced she is Roxie's secret child.