主演:赫克托·美蒂娜 豪尔赫·佩鲁戈里亚 路易斯·阿尔维托·加西亚
無父無母,沉默寡言的少年荷蘇在荒涼小鎮過著邊緣人的生活,靠著為街坊婆婆媽媽理髮的微薄收入度日。一次偶然的機會他站上扮裝皇后的舞台,身著華服粉墨登場的孤獨少年找到了前所未有的力量,自幼缺席的父親卻在此時服刑期滿歸來,攪亂他的人生。荷蘇所不知道的是,父親當年離去與今復返,都是耶希重生的契機。呈現哈瓦那變裝皇后的世界,情感真摯。When everything is for sale, what's the value of love? Jesus does make up for a troupe of drag performers in Havana, but dreams of being a performer. When he finally gets his chance to be on stage, a stranger emerges from the crowd and punches him in the face. The stranger is his father Angel, a former boxer, who has been absent from his life for 15 years. As father and son clash over their opposing expectations of each other, Viva becomes a love story as the men struggle to understand one another and become a family again.