主演:柯克·道格拉斯 James Mason Paul Lukas 彼得·洛
本片讲述在1868年航运界传言南海中有海怪破坏船只,各国政府被迫派遣军舰维护航道安全,及调查海怪真伪。不料调查舰被不明怪物撞沉,只有阿洛亚斯教授、助手康索及鱼叉手尼德蓝被鹦鹉螺核子潜艇救起。该船由尼莫舰长指挥,对运载军火船舰均予击沉。尼莫敬重阿洛亚斯之成就,将其视为上宾。潜艇要返回瓦康尼亚基地,中途到深海探索海底世界,此处是该船粮食之主要来源。教授为其科技动力来自海底貂殖的技术惊叹不已,但尼德蓝一心想逃跑,却在荒岛中被食人族逐出。他又查出基地位置,用瓶子装信向外通知。到达瓦康尼岛时,军舰已围住该基地。尼莫破坏基地,引起核子爆炸,尼莫亦中弹命危,临死前将鹦鹉螺号驶入海底坟场加以破坏。The oceans during the late 1860-92s are no longer safe; many ships have been lost. Sailors have returned to port with stories of a vicious narwhal (a giant whale with a long horn) which sinks their ships. A naturalist, Professor (Pierre) Aronnax, his assistant, Conseil, and a professional whaler, Ned Land, join an US expedition which attempts to unravel the mystery.