导演:Dick Lundy
在崇山峻岭的蜿蜒山道上,疯狂的唐老鸭(克拉伦斯·纳什 Clarence Nash 配音)驾驶着他的红色跑车飞速前行,根本不顾路况和安全问题。当然,如此不计后果的行车方式,即使不出事故也难免碰上意外状况。在某个转弯处,汽车的右前方轮胎扎上一个马铁后爆胎。唐老鸭懊恼不已,下车后准备爆胎,可是千斤顶根本不那么好使,惹出了一连串的意外状况,还一度将他压在了汽车下面。好不容易支起汽车,那个坏掉的轮胎又给他找了不少的麻烦,加上唐老鸭一向急躁和不耐烦的恶劣脾气,换胎过程中自然险象环生,同时笑料不断。 看来,如此晴朗明媚的大好假期就那么错过了……Donald drives too fast and blows out a tire. Of course, with this clown, changing it is not a simple operation. First he has to fight the jack, then the heavily patched inner tube, then the adhesive on the patch, then the pump, then the hassle of putting the tire back together. Finally, he's all done, and ... well, let's just say he's not going anywhere too quickly.