主演:乔尔·金纳曼 法瑞斯·法瑞斯 马蒂亚斯·瓦雷拉 玛德琳·马丁 德拉戈米尔·米希克 德建·库克
“在黑色斯德哥尔摩,犯罪,是唯一的出路。”影片从第一部故事结束三年之后开始。JW(乔尔金纳曼)正在监狱中服刑。尽管遭遇挫折,但他并没有放弃发财致富和进入上流社会的抱负。在监狱里,他开发了一种能够在股票市场上大显威力的电脑程序。与此同时第一部中的塞尔维亚黑帮大佬马多(德拉戈米尔.米希克)也因为贩毒入狱,两个人和解并且成为了朋友。他们计划着在监狱外的JW大学校友的帮助下完成一笔股票交易。JW因为表现良好得到了假释出狱的机会。他发现大学校友背叛了他。JW面临着抉择,究竟是回到监狱,老老实实地服刑,还是远走高飞,从此做个不法之徒?与此同时,第一部中出现过的西班牙毒贩豪黑(马提亚思.瓦雷拉)又策划了一笔大交易。然而就在一手交钱一手交货的当口上,事情又搞砸了……JW (Joel Kinnaman, Robocop, The Killing), the promising business student who became an organized coke smuggler in Easy Money, is serving hard time in prison and struggling to get back on an honest path. There are glimmers of hope in his life - some venture capitalists are interested in a new piece of trading software he's developed, and while behind bars he's made peace with an old enemy. This all proves to be an illusion. On leave from prison, and back in contact with his former gang, JW learns that once you've walked in the shoes of a criminal there just may be no going back.