主演:克林特·伊斯特伍德 唐纳德·萨瑟兰 唐·里克斯 凯勒·欧康纳 特利·萨瓦拉斯 加文·麦克劳德 斯图尔特·马戈林
由特洛伊.肯尼迪.马丁编剧的本片描述二次世界大战期间,五名别具用心的大兵率领一队美军开坦克冲破德军防线,到敌后的银行抢劫一批价值一千多万的金子。导演布莱恩.G.赫顿企图以喜剧方式拍摄战争冒险片,但效果不甚理想。不过几位主角均有鲜明个性,演出不错,尤其克林特.伊斯特伍德的表演更是受观众好评,加上故事情节异想天开,故本片仍维持了一定的娱乐性。During World War II a German Colonel is captured by the Americans but before he can be interrogated an artillery barrage hits the camp. However, Ex-Lieutenant Kelly manages to reach the Colonel, get him drunk and learn that he is on a secret mission to ship $16,000,000 of gold to a base in France. Kelly is determined to get the gold and plans for himself and a few of his fellow soldiers to slip into enemy territory and steal the bullion.