主演:Jean-Loup Philippe 安妮·贝儿 Nathalie Perrey
自从父亲死后,弗莱德雷克(Jean-Loup Philippe 饰)便失去了童年的记忆,但一张挂在墙上的风景画却打开了他记忆的大门。画上是一座建在海边的废弃城堡,弗莱德雷克对此感到似曾相识,他逐渐回忆起20年前发生的一件事,12岁的他邂逅了城堡内一个身穿白衣的女子(Annie Briand 饰),并与之度过了快乐的夜晚。 弗莱德雷克将这段记忆告诉母亲(Natalie Perrey 饰),却遭到母亲的否认。他仍不死心,辗转找到了这张照片的拍摄者。这期间他偶然邂逅了童年记忆中的女子,亦由此进入一个黑暗恐怖的吸血鬼世界……This erotic vampire film features a young man on a strange quest after recognizing a castle on a poster. He seems to remember the castle from his childhood and eventually finds it with the aid of a strange woman dressed in white. It turns out that his family has been keeping the secret of vampirism from him.