主演:David Edwin Knight Nancy Brilli Coralina Cataldi-Tassoni Bobby Rhodes 艾莎·阿基多
一支电视台的摄制组正在调查拍摄一个传说中的恐怖禁地,在那里,他们发现一具恶魔的尸体。无意间,他们将恶魔复活,噩梦降临人间。 该纪录片通过电视播出,当一个女子正在观看时,突然片中的恶魔从电视机里爬出,随后展开血腥杀戮。被它攻击过的人不久也变成恐怖丧尸,四处寻找新的猎物。这个女子所在的大厦被某种怪异的力量封闭,正常的人类不断减少,丧尸数量则持续增加。是生是死?幸存者面临痛苦的抉择。为了活命,他们只有全力拚杀……A documentary is shown on TV of group of teens who investigate the legendary forbidden zone, in which a Demon infestation once took place (see Demoni I). When finding a lifeless corpse of a demon, one of the teens causes the resurrection of it, and the demon makes it's way into the nearby world by TV-broadcast... An unlucky girl, having her birthday-party at that time, gets possessed by the demon while watching the documentary and soon the entire building in which she lives turns into a living nightmare....