主演:鲍勃·霍斯金斯 海伦·米伦 戴夫·金 埃迪·康斯坦丁 皮尔斯·布鲁斯南
奥斯卡提名男演员Bob Hoskins在本片中扮演伦敦黑社会的一名凶残的帮派首领。但是一天他准备和一个美国犯罪家族达成一笔交易之际,他的整个“帝国”突然开始坍塌。是谁这么胆大包天来进攻英国最野蛮的黑帮?他又会怎样去找寻真相?到底这一切的背后是谁在搞鬼呢?Harold, a prosperous English gangster, is about to close a lucrative new deal when bombs start showing up in very inconvenient places. A mysterious syndicate is trying to muscle in on his action, and Harold wants to know who they are. He finds out soon enough, and bloody mayhem ensues.