一群年青人为了向恶霸报复,以为年纪最小的同伴庆祝生日为由,筹备了一次划艇之旅,邀请恶霸同行。旅程中,一些队员开始衍生出邪恶的念头,游戏开始变成一项阴谋……When Sam Merrick is beaten up by local bully George Tooney, Sam's older brother Rocky and his friends Clyde and Marty plan to pretend it's Sam's birthday to "invite" George on a boat trip in which they would dare him to strip naked, jump in the lake, and run home naked. But when Sam, his girlfriend Millie, Rocky, and Clyde see George as not much of a bad guy, they want to call off the plan, but Marty refuses. Will the plan go ahead as planned?