晴朗明媚的一天,心情愉悦的唐老鸭(克拉伦斯·纳什 Clarence Nash 配音)耍着手中的高尔夫球杆行走在林间的小路上,身后则跟着他的三个小外甥(克拉伦斯·纳什 Clarence Nash 配音),他们背着鼓鼓囊囊的高尔夫球包,不堪重负。终于来到沙滩边,唐老鸭即将展开他的训练课程,可是他如此苛刻,既不允许树上的小鸟鸣叫,也禁止外甥们在一旁聒噪起哄,为此他甚至用夹子夹住了外甥们的嘴。 不过这三个调皮的小家伙决不会轻易就范,他们想出各种鬼点子捉弄唐大叔。愤怒的唐老鸭无计可施,任凭自己一次次成为小家伙们嘲弄的对象……Uncle Donald goes golfing on a course by the beach, insisting on total quiet for his concentration, not even a singing bird. Alas for him the nephews, brought along as caddy trio, come prepared for more mischief then just making disturbing noises, they have a whole bag of trick clubs and enlist a grasshopper to 'animate' Donald's ball...