主演:Leonid Bichevin 茵格保加·达坤耐特 安德烈·帕宁
《吗啡》以布尔加科夫的同名日记体小说为蓝本,同时将布氏早期行医题材的多篇短篇小说糅合于其中以丰富细节内容,色彩与配乐相得益彰地展现出了布尔加科夫式的尖锐与冷冽风格。 影片发生年代位于20世纪早期,年轻的俄国医生米哈伊尔·波利亚科夫来到偏远乡村的一家小诊所,刚从医学院毕业的他小有经验,他工作努力并赢得同事的认同。一次剧烈疼痛中,他要求护士安娜给他使用吗啡,缓解应激,日后渐渐地成瘾其中……The year is 1917. We are in the Russian countryside. It is the middle of freezing winter. A pale young, newly educated doctor arrives. Having to deal with one medical challenge after another he soon becomes the center of everyone's attention. To soothe the impressions of human suffering he turns to morphine.