(二)后来,宝春跟着阿光师傅学习做面包,为了培养宝春的味觉,阿光带着宝春吃各种美食,当他们到一家面店吃阳春面时,宝春感叹道,“想不到一碗阳春面还这么好吃。”,阿光回答道,“穷人的美食。”,看到这句话特别感动。每个阶层、每个族群,都有权利吃到最好的。饮食如此,教育也如此,每个国民都有平等受教育的权利,特别是义务教育阶段,芬兰的教育,能够做到No Children Left。(《芬兰教育全球第一的秘密》,http://book.douban.com/subject/3766443/ )看起来为了达到这个目标,政府需要投入很多人力与财力,但正因为“不放弃任何一个小孩”,才使得整个芬兰的教育差距极小,而减少了小孩长大后由于被放弃而吸毒、抢劫等社会成本。
专栏作家席马能所写的原文是这样的:"...I'm sorry that I have interrupted your work like this."he said, continuing,"It is people like you, who put their heart to both their work and family, that makes Finland what it is" He treated her as an equa, fulfilling the dream she had always shared:"I dream that my dignity as a human being is recognized." Financial Times, Sept, 2007