K wd. B :Career
To tell the truth,I havn't feel much about its cheering part.
We struggle to make a living,to have a better life.This is what life is,and this is what we should do.
三个女孩(/4)追梦的故事,冠冕堂皇的说法。explain it:艾菲在离开dreamgirls之后根本没有赖以为生的技能,she said:"the only thing I know how to do is to sing……" ,she herself admits that singin' is a way to lead a life,so let the"pursuit"word go to hell!
也许说得有些偏激,不禁想起Smith的 当幸福来敲门哈,按我这种说法,对幸福的追求 也不过是对物质生活的追求,和解决基本的温饱问题和生存需要罢了。 …… 开始有保留态度。怀疑刚才说的话。
其实,所谓的追梦,和追求幸福 是为现有生活所迫,努力的探求改变境况的一种途径和手段。只不过当这种要被改变的境况是有关生计,有关口粮的时候,就显得卑微了。然而,正是这份卑微的升华过程才创造了伟大。
任何人 都是从某一个卑微的层面走向伟大的。
K wd C:金钱化
James 说 :it's biz
着实,它是一名manager,他的目标是more profits。说起来残酷冷漠,但却很真实。
而biz之上,有着family的光环。这样的family 是上层建筑,很难经得起风吹雨打。 当利益与追求产生分歧,families 会毫不犹豫的分道扬镳。 顾及少少,情面少少。
It's human's nature!
Key word D: through
What impresses me most is this idea came up to me:
Don't let it through,Don't bury yourself.
比如艾菲,比如Jimmy。如果艾菲能在宽容一些,吉米能再理智一些,unhappy ending will never come in that way.
Don't let it through,Don't bury yourself. 用来自勉。
也与你分享! :)
Ariel 07.01.29 15:00
other picked words in this film: hit song
Rainbow record family broke up