1945年,一个名叫Weegee的摄影记者出版了他的第一部摄影集Naked City。Weegee在纽约Lower east side 工作多年,他的Naked City 描述了这个世界上最复杂城市体中无数个现实的角落。这个人毫不遮掩的描述了城市生活中称不上美好的东西,集会,奇怪的人,火灾,犯罪,甚至死亡。
这本影集很快被另外一个也是记者同时是制片人的Mark Hellinger注意到,他从Weegee处买下命名权,邀请后者作为摄影指导,拍了一部影像版Naked City 。电影的故事情节讲的是一个十分普通的谋杀故事,发生在纽约。可以想象为了在情节中穿插整个城市的样貌,导演和编剧煞费苦心的让角色忙里忙外跑动跑西。
CC 对Naked City 的评价:
“There are eight million stories in the Naked City,” as the narrator immortally states at the close of this breathtakingly vivid film—and this is one of them. Master noir craftsman Jules Dassin and newspaperman-cum-producer Mark Hellinger’s dazzling police procedural, The Naked City, was shot entirely on location in New York. As influenced by Italian neorealism as American crime fiction, this double Academy Award winner remains a benchmark for naturalism in noir, living and breathing in the promises and perils of the Big Apple, from its lowest depths to its highest skyscrapers.