影片开头短短五分钟的高中生活便交代了三人迥异的背景,交织的缘分,和差异的性格。人生的分岔口即将来临。现在想来,曾经那么笃定坚信的天长地久,曾经那么坚定相信的友谊情深,在还未经受时空的阻隔和人情的洗涤下,是那么美好脆弱、简单纯净。 二十岁,是理想和现实的分界线,是欢愉和责任的分水岭,是成长和选择的分洪堤。 I wish we will never grow apart.
在海边的小食摊,旁桌的男人们说着下流的污言秽语。他们肆无忌惮地说着,所有人都听得到,但是没有人出声制止。学姐对京载说:“虽然(迎新会上)你喝醉了,但那个你还是你。就像用尽全力,对抗恶习的革命家一样。年轻人的义务就是对抗腐败。” 学姐的咆哮成功地让男人们噤声。被学姐的胆色和独特而吸引的京载就好像发现了新大陆一般得兴奋喜悦。这句出自27岁便自杀身亡的摇滚歌手兼孤独艺术家 科特柯本 Kurt Donald Cobain 的原句是这样的 —— "The duty of youth is to challenge corruption."
When I was young
I never needed anyone
And makin' love was just for fun
Those days are gone
Livin' alone
I think of all the friends I've known
But when I dial the telephone
Nobody's home
All by myself
Don't want to be, all by myself anymore
All by myself
Don't want to be, all by myself anymore
Hard to be sure
Sometimes I feel insecure
And love so distant and obscure
Remains the cure
男生青春年少,如阳光般直烈热血的友情很是美好。看不顺眼就痛快地打一架,而后大丈夫般地冰释前嫌。彼此的悲伤不用言说,并肩地静默小酌就会释怀。背上行囊毫无顾虑地直闯天涯海角,留下跋扈却又萧瑟的足迹印痕。青春,就是如此任性和洒脱。也许我们每个人生理上的20岁今生只此一次,但是心理上的20岁却可以是永恒跃动的,因为主动权在我们的手里。No matter how old we physically are, we can always restart, resume, and reset our lives, as long as we hold enduring power, uplifting spirits, massive passion, and full conviction. (最后这句话用中文表达其实很假、很挫,但是用英语表述博主感觉就很励志、很高大上了,嘿嘿。。。)
Maybe eventually, we grow apart.
What's sad is neither side makes efforts to be close again.
What's even more painful is that the intimate connection is gradually drifting away even if we try hard.
And the hardest part, we force ourselves to come to terms with reality while looking back at those beautiful memories we once shared.
I wish we would stay young, beautiful, and closer than ever as if we were FOREVER TWENTY!