乔治四世是自查理一世以来最不受欢迎的国王,他的奢侈以及对服饰爱好的一意孤行是19世纪早期君主制支持率下降到如此低的水平上的原因之一。(George Ⅳ was the least popular king since Charles Ⅰ,and his wasteful and egotistical attitude to clothes was one of the reasons that the monarchy's image reached such a low point in the early 19th century.)
女王伊丽莎白二世的私人订制服装设计师赫迪·雅曼(Hardy·Amies),为女王设计衣服是其一生的事业。Miuccia· Prada(缪西娅·普拉达)曾这样评价伊丽莎白二世,"Simply one of the most elegant women in the world."
“Clothing has created their image and helped determine whether they've been loved or loathed.For the royal family,one was,one is and one probably always will be what one wears.”