小国家在大国的利益当中求生存,必然有受苦受难的时候,12年的内战,美国在其中扮演了并不光彩的角色,连美国人民自己意识得到,这种夺取利益的方式,是建立在他国极大的痛苦之上,正如Peter, Paul and Mary唱的那样:
Just like Poland is 'protected' by her Russian friends
The junta is 'assisted' by Americans
And if 60 million dollars seems too much to spend
in El Salvador
They say for half a billion they could do it right
Bomb all day, burn all night
Until there's not a living thing upright
in El Salvador
They'll continue training troops in the USA
And watch the nuns that got away
And teach the military bands to play South of the Border
And kill the people to set them free
Who put this price on their liberty?
Don't you think it's time to leave
El Salvador?