实验疗法第一人 第一季

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分类:纪录片  美国 2017

简介: 美国国立卫生研究院10号建筑,被人们称为“美国医院”。它是全世界最大的仅专注研究 详情


实验疗法第一人 第一季影评:每一个人都可以是孤胆英雄

在这部纪录片里你可以看到人类的脆弱,每一种疾病都会带来对肉体和精神的摧毁;你也可以发掘人类的坚强,即使罹患绝症,依然有人尝试所有能尝试的方式只为了可以在这个星球上多存在一天;当然,你会被这么一群最顶尖的医护人员所感动,“I’m hopeful, but I have nothing to say it’s going to work.”即使他们知道成功的机率很低,但依然愿意花费几十年甚至一生的时间去研究如何和某一种疾病斗争,为更多病人争取活下去的机会。

杜鲁门在当年为Building10奠基的时候曾说It will serve men of all religions, all races and all nations everywhere in the world. 那是冷战结束没多久,美国正处于最巅峰的状态,只有自信才能带来自由,不管是当年的大唐亦或是当年的美国,但这都只是当年。



1. For every treatment we rely on today, there was a moment when no one knew if it would work and a first brave patient volunteered to try it what’s called a First in Human trial.

2. Since it’s creation by an art of Congress in 1947, Building 10 has been responsible for some of the most important and far reaching medical breakthroughs in history. The first successful chemotherapy for cancer was done in this building. The use of lithium for depression. The discover of AZT for HIV. The first gene therapy, the list goes on. And yes, it’s the public dollar, but it’s a public dollar well spent.

3. I’m hopeful, but I have nothing to say it’s going to work.

4. Sometimes you’re looking for answers and you just don’t know the answers. The clinical trial is that. In clinical trial nobody knows what’s gonna happen. The hardest part is how’s this really gonna pan out?

5. If you understand a rare disease at a detailed level, it sheds light upon other much more common conditions.

6. To see him laying like that and then incubated, I mean, you know, it’s heartbreaking. If I could trade places, I think that’s obvious what I would do. I wish he needed my lungs, or something. But he doesn’t.

7. People who bravely participate in first in human medical research are on a journey into the unknown.

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