12/13/2019. You have lost so much, haven’t you? Storyline和人物的arc都是清晰简明的,但却有些on the surface. 氛围上的凝重阴郁幽闭映照Hal沉重又飘忽不定的心事,也foreshadow这位年轻国王的前路。
CHALAMET just haunts me. Why is he so fucking sublime? Great acting is also about how long the actor can hold the audience’s attention. And he has mine from start to finish and has lingered with me afterwards - and it’s not even necessarily Timothée, it’s his Hal. 他所有的giving-and-taking/listening-and-reacting以及他内里微妙的转变与运动都有气息,都十分精彩,让我目不转睛。And he doesn’t repeat himself in the film; he truly lives in every present moment, so he in every moment is new and fresh and that is what makes it so intriguing to watch. 他所赋予Hal的温柔与果决(which he has justified them so immaculately)也相当迷人。His glorious specificity, aliveness, and truthfulness are in the most minute detail and every moment to moment breath. His aura, presence, and heat are just like air and liquid, it’s hard to describe them but I have FELT and EXPERIENCED them. I have felt him. Every role of his has crept into me. Timothée Chalamet, you have proven yourself to be one of the most phenomenal Meisner-trained/working actors. And you are indeed honoring the phrase “living truthfully under imaginary circumstances” and “the foundation of acting is the reality of doing.” Thank you, Timothée.