I knew it was you. The whole time ,I knew it .Lucy这句话让我感动,她一直都相信,一直相信。
But others didn’t believe me .Alsan的话语中透露着哀伤和无奈,这个世界上有信仰的人太少太少。
And why would that stop you from coming to me?Aslan也在好奇,是什么给了那个小女孩勇气却又是什么让她难以寻找
I am sorry ,I was too scare to come alone.原来是畏惧。畏惧的到底是什么呢?
女孩开始反问:why wouldn’t you show yourself? Why wouldn’t you come roaring and save us like last time?
Things never happen the same way twice, dear one. Lucy低下了头,若有所思得想了一下,或许她真的不能理解Aslan为什么不像上次那样在他们最需要的时候出现,或许她觉得自己没有努力去找他,或许她还太小还不懂些什么。
If I’d have come earlier, would everyone who died ……could I have stop that? We can never know what would have happened, Lucy. but would happen is another matter entirely是啊,小小的Lucy无法承担死亡的责任,那是谁也无法承载的。Aslan对她讲,没有如果。世界上的事情没有假设,你努力就已很好。