“Some real rags-to-riches fortunes made in pharmacies,among the most successful of the great entrepreneurial chemists was Alfred Bird.This Birmigham pharmacist,whose wife had a yeast allergy,invented a yeast-free raising agent-baking powder.She was also allergic to eggs,inspiring Bird to develop his recipe for Custard powder--still a brand leader today. "(制药业有许多白手起家的故事,众多创业型药剂师中最成功的一位就是Alfred Bird,这位伯明翰药剂师有一位对酵母过敏的妻子,他发明了一种没有酵母的膨胀剂——发酵粉。她同时也对鸡蛋过敏,这也启发了他发明了吉士蛋糊粉——现在仍然是本行业的主导品牌。)
我在想撇开商人的身份不谈,诚然这样的发明会带来许多经济效益,Alfred Bird肯定也是一位疼爱老婆的好丈夫吧。或许以我们现在的眼光看的话,这样的发明似乎并不是那么富有“创意”,就像片中所说:“And it's not difficult chemistry,it's a really simple thing,it's like so many inventions,in hindsight they seem really simply and basic and obvious,but it's sort of wanting to do it in the first place,it's coming up with that concept.”(从后见之明来看,它们都十分简单、基本和明显,但是他们是第一个做出来的,他们把想法付诸实践了。)