It was so hard to believe thaat every creature on this magnificent planet was originally come from one single object - cells, but how did the first cells come from? The movie told about how people stuggled with obstacles and figure out the origin of the first cells.
I was deeply impressed of it. Cause of it's in-deepth topic and hard-procedures of scientific research. From the movie, I can simply take a hint of what big effort humanity made those centuries on finding out their common origin.
A person who named Stanley Miller gave me the deepest impression. An experiment did by him totally changed the whole world. Under his brilliant experiment, people realized that life can probably being processed with chemical reactions. However, there are no simple things on the way to an important achievement. To complete the experiment, Stanley took the risk of getting his chemicals explode and being shocked by electricity up to 10 kilovolts.
I'm sure that most movies are good enough, but compared to BBC: Cells, we can hardly find one which have the similar deepth to it.