Wait, Shorty. You want a book to read or a step stool? 'Cause I tell you right now, you ain't stepping on The . Don't be fucking with Harry Potter. Now, you can step up on .
大家都說這是神作 我覺得是狗屁
Everyone says it's so genius, but I call it bullshit.
No one wants to go through all that ramblin'.
Ain't nobody got time for that.
I have been here for less than two weeks.
I have been starved out...
felt up,
threatened, and called Taylor Swift.
黑人也觉得白人都长一样,所以会叫她Taylor Swift…哈哈哈哈,又黑她
而且女主是按照递进来描述她收到的伤害么..... called Taylor Swift…
Crazy Eyes: I wrote a poem. You want to hear it?
Chapman : You know that's fine.
Crazy Eyes : Before I met you,
the sun was like a yellow grape.
But now, it look like fire in the sky.
Because you light a fire inside me.
I wrote it for you.
-What did she say to you?
-Miss Claudette?
-No. Alex.
-Wouldn't you like to know?
-Yes. I would.
-She said you were a squirter.
-I don't- That's- Once. It happened once. And it took us both by surprise.
-Wow. I was kidding, but good to know. Whatever they are, she's keeping your secrets. But I'll get them out of you. More than once.
-Do you think that she'll try and hurt me in my sleep?
-Who? Alex?
-No. Miss Claudette.
-Miss Claudette was into some kind of slave-trade shit. All that murder talk is rumor, and if you ask me, bullshit. So, unless you're worried she's gonna harbor you illegally, I wouldn't sweat it.
这里套话的trick真是妙极了,女主开始的小声“澄清事实”,然后被知道是套话之后的表情演的很妙,再by the way,看到克勞黛女士那么冷静认真的打扫厨房,以及旁边被倒下的男的,这个镜头真是拍的酷
I'm like you, Dina. I'm weak, too.
I can't get through this without somebody to touch,without somebody to love.
Is that because sex numbs the pain,
or is it because I'm some evil fuck monster?
I don't know. But I do know,
I was somebody before I came in here.
I was somebody with a life that I chose for myself.
And now?
Now it's just about getting through the day without crying.
And I'm scared. I'm still scared.
I'm scared that I'm not myself in here,
and I'm scared that I am.
Other people aren't the scariest part of prison, Dina.
It's coming face-to-face with who you really are.
Because once you're behind these walls,
there's nowhere to run, even if you could run.
The truth catches up with you in here, Dina.
And it's the truth that's gonna make you her bitch.
Damn. You cold.
Chances are, most of you have been there.
It starts with two people in love.
You make a lot of promises.
You tell each other you're different from the rest,
the exception.
For a month or two, the long, meandering conversations
feel foreign and exciting, a chance to get to know one another in a more intimate level.
And then, slowly, so slowly you might not even notice, conversations are replaced by missed calls and resentful voicemails.
And then, finally, the day comes
when the two of you admit that you aren't, in fact, the exception.
That being far away from the person you love most is difficult on the good days and impossible on the bad ones.