「A rich life is just as messed up as a poor life. Just a different kind of messed up. Kidnapped? Not kidnapped? Alive? Dead? Whatever. The mess was only getting started. But you already knew that, right?」「That boy was somebody's son. You animals.」「Two is better than none. → A living grandson is better than a dead one.」「They seem normal human beings, but there's a slice of pure animal in the old man.」「Dum, dum, dum, dum. Consequences.」【♫Rare Bird - Sympathy♫】
「A rich life is just as messed up as a poor life. Just a different kind of messed up. Kidnapped? Not kidnapped? Alive? Dead? Whatever. The mess was only getting started. But you already knew that, right?」「That boy was somebody's son. You animals.」「Two is better than none. → A living grandson is better than a dead one.」「They seem normal human beings, but there's a slice of pure animal in the old man.」「Dum, dum, dum, dum. Consequences.」【♫Rare Bird - Sympathy♫】
就冲着King Lear的quotation就能五星预定
还原度很高,细节比电影更丰富,对祖父的刻画更立体,风格也挺独特。 下面那位说有了金钱世界为什么还要出电视剧的,请去问所有改编小说,戏剧,翻拍老电影,老电视剧,改编真人真事的,为什么不自己编原创故事,浪费钱浪费时间。
看完新闻 我有点不想看了😂
有了电影<金钱世界>为什么还要拍十集之长的电视剧? 简直是在浪费万克姐的时间.