简介:A talented young dancer has to learn to fight for his dream despite social and parental disapproval.A talented young dancer has to learn to fight for his dream despite social and parental disapproval.详情
「What does it feel like when you're dancing? → ♫I can't really explain it. I haven't got the words. It's a feeling that you can't control. I suppose it's like forgetting. Losing who you are. And at the same time something makes you whole. It's like that there's a music playing in your ear. And I'm listening and I'm listening and then I disappear. And then I feel a change like a fire deep inside. Something bursting me wide open. Impossible to hide. And suddenly I'm flying. Flying like a bird. Like electricity, electricity. Sparks inside of me and I'm free. I'm free.♫」【Music by Elton John】
「What does it feel like when you're dancing? → ♫I can't really explain it. I haven't got the words. It's a feeling that you can't control. I suppose it's like forgetting. Losing who you are. And at the same time something makes you whole. It's like that there's a music playing in your ear. And I'm listening and I'm listening and then I disappear. And then I feel a change like a fire deep inside. Something bursting me wide open. Impossible to hide. And suddenly I'm flying. Flying like a bird. Like electricity, electricity. Sparks inside of me and I'm free. I'm free.♫」【Music by Elton John】
草这个好感动哦,哭完笑笑完哭的,一时不知从何夸起。每个演员都很好,哥哥爸爸把自己演哭了都…场景转换有趣,Elliot Hanna很有灵气,有点神似铃铛(不是演比利的铃铛是比利铃铛这些名字绕不出去了233333)看他明明踢踏跳得好却非要去tda尬芭蕾还没名次真是23333…最后谢幕时荷兰弟居然是空翻担当!
虽然在我心中的Billy Elliot永远是Jamie Bell 但Elliott Hanna实在是太灵了 坐在第一排看过现场的人表示活生生的被萌出了满脸血 Jamie Bell塑造了一个皱着眉说着脏话带着点稚嫩的男子气概但一跳起舞来就柔软灵动的舞蹈少年 Elliott Hanna则是一个更纯真可爱的Billy 给双人天鹅湖点10个赞