导演:Mennan Yapo
琳达(桑德拉•布洛克 Sandra Bullock 饰)有着一个看似幸福的家庭——漂亮的房子、两个女儿和丈夫吉姆(朱利安•麦克马洪 Julian McMahon 饰)。然而当有一天,琳达一觉醒来,马上被告知这家庭的支柱,丈夫吉姆已经死于一起交通事故。悲痛万分的琳达想都不敢想失去了吉姆以后的生活。这一夜,她在哭泣中睡去。 第二天一觉醒来,琳达赫然发现吉姆还好好的睡在自己的房间!迷惑不解的琳达只好将这一切都当作是自己发过的一场噩梦。但明天一觉醒来,却又发现自己不得不同母亲一起出席丈夫的丧礼!琳达彻底迷惑了,她似乎在不同的时空中来回穿梭:星期四,星期一,星期六,星期二……The middle-class couple Linda Hanson and Jim Hanson live a wasted and routine relationship with their two daughters in their comfortable house in the suburbs. On a Thursday morning, the local sheriff visits Linda and tells her that her husband died in a car accident on the previous day. On the next morning, when Linda awakes, she finds Jim safe and sound at home. When she awakes on the next morning, she realizes that her days are out of order, but her family and friends believe she is insane.