正当网络开始风行的大学校园里,外型并不出众的痞子蔡(陈小春饰)对感情认真保守,但他在网络上又表现出热情自信的另一面,能言善道。好友阿泰(张震饰)在不断追逐异性中获得乐趣,颇有心得。 后来痞子蔡在网上邂逅了代号为“轻舞飞扬”的女孩(马千珊饰),之前他从不敢奢望真爱会降临在自己身上。及时行乐的阿泰提醒他网络是虛幻的,劝他不要动情。身陷矛盾的痞子蔡还是选择了与“轻舞飞扬”相见,彼此倍感知心,然而世事难料……Tai and Choi are both fans of the internet, but they use it for different purposes. Tai uses it to chase women, while Choi uses it as to escape from reality, isolating himself from all those around him. While Tai is chasing after several girls, he meets Siu Yu. At the same time, Choi meets a girl named "Lightning Dancing Queen". As Choi's virtual world becomes more passionate, self-confident, and humorous, his life in the real world becomes more and more remote.