傳說中園子溫的疾走電影,虛渡青春的成長曲。廿歲大學生Shiro 和 Keita 靠派報紙維生,遲了三年仍未能順利畢業。Shiro一心只求拍電影,Keita 開始對未來焦躁起來。首次自導自演的園子溫,扮演浪人 Shiro大多是自身投射,抱著自我尋找的旗幟,在PIA打響名堂,再馳騁柏林和歐亞大小影展,打造出園子溫電影的新風格。 (HKAFF09)Under-achievers Shiro and Keita manage to survive delivering newspapers. They are otherwise on their own since their peers had all left for university three years earlier. Passing the entrance exam is the main problem. Shiro, however, is more interested in finishing a super-8 movie they had begun in secondary school than studying. But Keita feels more pressure on him to pass, and can't share Shiro's enthusiasm. To further complicate Keita's life, he hears that Kyoko, his ex-girlfriend, is coming back for a visit from her studies in Tokyo.