导演:Mark Jones
主演:沃维克·戴维斯 詹妮弗·安妮斯顿 肯欧.蓝特 Mark Holton
法力无边的鬼精灵不喜欢被任何规则约束,更不喜欢任何人接近他收藏的黄金,只要有人动了他的黄金,他会用尽一切手段消灭此人。一位名为DanO"Grady的有钱人抓住了鬼精灵,并且从爱尔兰带走了鬼精灵的一块黄金。然而鬼精灵跟随Dan来到了他家,实行报复,直到Dan把他关进了一个木箱中,试图用火烧死鬼精灵,但是突发疾病未能杀死鬼精灵·..... 10年后,两个人买下来O"Grady的老房子(他们是J.D和Tory).在他们装修这栋老房子时却发现了房子的秘密,接下来不可思议的事接连发生·。When Dan O'Grady returns to the U.S. after stealing some Irish leprechaun's pot of gold, he thinks he can settle down and enjoy his newfound wealth. He thought wrong. The leprechaun followed him and O'Grady barely gets away with his life, having locked the little monster in his basement. Ten years later, J.D. and his spoiled daughter Tory move in. By accident, the leprechaun is released and almost immediately the annoying creature starts to look for his gold, not displaying any respect for human life.