这部剧集人物众多,但核心人物始终是Brown和Abbott两家。我最喜欢的角色一直是Dr. Harold Abbott。虽然这个角色刚出场时显得非常尖酸刻薄,但他的善良却在之后一点一点展现出来。面对母亲的再婚,儿子的不求上进,女儿的离家出走,还有妻子的癌症,Harold经历的风风雨雨相较Andy有过之而无不及。但他硬是一步一步撑过来了,让我很是感动。他和女儿Amy冷战的那一段,特别容易让我联想到自己和老爸闹僵的时候,真是太相像了。
The more things change, the more they stay the same. I'm not sure who the first person was who said that. Probably Shakespeare. Or maybe Sting. But at the moment, it's the sentence that best explains my tragic flaw, my inability to change. I don't think I'm alone in this. The more I get to know other people, the more I realize it's kind of everyone's flaw. Staying exactly the same for as long as possible, standing perfectly still... It feels safer somehow. And if you are suffering, at least the pain is familiar. Because if you took that leap of faith, went outside the box, did something unexpected... Who knows what other pain might be out there, waiting for you. Chances are it could be even worse. So you maintain the status quo. Choose the road already traveled and it doesn't seem that bad. Not as far as flaws go. You're not a drug addict. You're not killing anyone... Except maybe yourself a little. When we finally do change, I don't think it happens like an earthquake or an explosion, where all of a sudden we're like this different person. I think it's smaller than that. The kind of thing most people wouldn't even notice unless they looked at us really close. Which, thank God, they never do. But you notice it. Inside you that change feels like a world of difference. And you hope this is it. This is the person you get to be forever... that you'll never have to change again.