但是,我同时又欣赏她,甚至很是理解其浮夸Dramatic的姿态。欣赏她,是喜欢她穿着最普通的旅行outfit素颜的样子。把自己打扮得很精致甚至过于精致而远离了context是很多漂亮的女主持人很容易犯的错误,然而Kate Humble在这点就表现得无懈可击。她知道自己去的不是高级Mall或者干净漂亮的欧洲小镇,所以她选择的是宽松上衣户外长裤以及绝对的素颜。在将自己融入到context方面,100分。
“After leaving school she travelled through Africa from Cape Town to Cairo, doing various jobs including waitressing, driving safari trucks and working on a crocodile farm. She has returned to Africa many times since. In 1994, she travelled around Madagascar, the subject of her first article for The Daily Telegraph travel section. Since then she has written articles about diving and cycling in Cuba, an 'exploding' lake in Cameroon and hippopotamus conservation work in Ghana.”