Emma Thompson阿姨演的法官,My Lady,太优雅了太酷了,我为她着迷。白头弟弟太好看了太可爱了!(Fionn,Danny,Tom,是所有姓Whitehead的都是小可爱吗?!)白头弟弟居然是97年的!他是什么大可爱伦敦男孩啊!尤其是病娇的小模样儿,当他说“留下来陪我”的时候,谁能够拒绝他呢!!他说想要和My Lady一起生活的时候,我百分之一万理解他。我也多少次希望我的人生中有这样迷人的仿佛全知的mentor呢,给我reading list,和我讨论,解答我的一切疑问。
可是My Lady拒绝了她,她就像Eugene一样,永远是最正直的,最理智的,即使那让她显得那样冷漠。然而再坚韧的心都会被留下印记。她坐在火车上读着他写的信,窗外的联排小房子车站田野树林,都太英国了,背景是干净的钢琴配乐,我在去英国的飞机上眼泪直接落下来。电影阴郁的基调就像英国的天气一样,喷薄而出的情感就像偶尔从厚厚的云层中射出的阳光,短暂却美丽难忘。
又是麦克尤恩自己写的剧本,跟看完《在切瑟尔海滩上》一样,真的对麦克尤恩又爱又恨[泪]他啊,总是那么绝情,他笔下的人物都这样或那样的不可救药,命运永远是那个evil twister… McEwan really has cunning ways of finding my weakest spot…(dbq盗用cmbyn台词了,但真的就是我爱和我恨麦克尤恩的原因。
“Down by the salley gardens my love and I did meet;
She passed the salley gardens with little snow-white feet.
She bid me take love easy, as the leaves grow on the tree;
But I, being young and foolish, with her would not agree.
In a field by the river my love and I did stand,
And on my leaning shoulder she laid her snow-white hand.
She bid me take life easy, as the grass grows on the weirs;
But I was young and foolish, and now am full of tears.“
—Yeats “Down by the Salley Gardens”