实际上 这片营造了非常好的李氏朝鲜的氛围 还大力夸赞事大的大清朝 构图和配色都具有很高的审美 The King and The People的关系非常感人 剧情也非常连贯 一气呵成
朝野权力之争结合丧尸屠城 这本是非常好的一盘棋 各方力量牵制 然而泄气了 反派作茧自缚的安排太掉智商 与其说创造历史需要运气 还不如说这是人设的崩塌 致命的缺点了
不过Netflix 只有英文字幕 这恰恰让我发现 这片的台词真是太棒了 配合着悲情又宏大的配乐 让人感动 最喜欢的台词:
-I didn’t do anything to him
-Not having done anything is your crime
The sorrow of the people deepens, but the King’s heart is still clouded. All his good men are dead, leaving only the corrupt by his side.
Park, do you see this? It’s the people!The king preceded the people? You were wrong. The people precede the king.