福尔摩斯:基本演绎法 第七季影评:its more than Elementary or sherlock Holmes
To be honest, I don't know how many times I was lost and absolutaly have no idea what I suppose to do, or I just wanna convinced myself that I maybe shouldn't work so hard and just sleep for more hours. But when I saw this siere, I found out if I really wanna do something markable and fantasitic, I definatly ought to be positive and organized. There are some times that Holmes and Wason occur several difficult or terrible cases, they need to figur it out by looking though tons of documentary and vidoes to search the evidences or clues, which spends the whole night or even more. And that remaid me if I really obsessed with Sharlock Holmes and wanna to be someone like him, then how could I let myself relaxed, I have the purpose, and the life I wanna to live, and need to fight for that, so, Elementary engourage me to work hard and study hard. I'm convinced that I will be that way, evrn though elementary comes to an end!
Just do it!!